Selected Press Mentions:
“Art Seizures at the Met Caused Concern. His Job Is to Address It,” Graham Bowley and Tom Mashberg, New York Times, March 18, 2025
“Unpacking the Research, Recovery, and Restitution Process for Nazi-Looted Art,” Andrew Cohen, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, February 20, 2024
“Analysis March 2023: Keeping ledger information in public domain,” Peter Somerford, The Strad, February 24, 2023
“La difficile quête des instruments de musique spoliés,” by Rana Moussaouil, Le Figaro with Agence France-Presse, April 10, 2022
“Rare 310-year-old violin stolen from art dealer’s Los Feliz home,” by Deborah Vankin, Los Angeles Times, December 24, 2020
“Where Are The Thousands Of Nazi-Looted Musical Instruments?” by Eleanor Beardsley, National Public Radio, July 29, 2020
“Music From the Death Camps: Alive and Being Readied for a New Home,” by Milton Esterow, New York Times, June 21, 2020
"The Pillage of Europe's Bells-pillage-of-europes-bells/,"Musicology Now, March 23, 2015
"Music Restitution,"Forbidden Music Blog, by Michael Haas, February 5, 2015
"A lost world, on canvas: Oakland woman reclaims her great-grandfather’s legacy," by Dan Pine, Jewish News of North California, January 1, 2015
" La chercheuse qui veut sauver la mémoire des musiciens persécutés par les nazis," by Mathieu Dejean, Slate France, August 25, 2014
“Court seems to boost claim to ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’ at Norton Simon Museum,” by Mike Boehm, Los Angeles Times, July 4, 2014
“Researcher’s mission to show Nazis’ silencing of music during Holocaust,” by Mike Boehm, Los Angeles Times, April 23, 2014
BBC World Service Radio, interview on the occasion of the criminal trial of violin dealer Dietmar Machold, November 9, 2012
“Dietmar Machold, jet-setting violin dealer, accused in a case of fakes and fraud,” by David Schoenbaum, Washington Post, September 13, 2012
“Joseph Goebbels’s Violin,” by Adam Chandler,Tablet Magazine, September 24, 2012
“Music: Nearing the Endgame?,” by David Schoenbaum, New York Times, February 11, 2001
“Strings Attached? Allegations of Financial Fraud and Breach of Contract Linger Over Sales of Precious Violins,” by Gwendolyn Freed,Wall Street Journal, April 19, 2001
"Stradivarius Violin, Lost Years Ago, Resurfaces but New Owner Plays Coy, by Daniel Pearl, Wall Street Journal, October 17, 1994
Selected Book Mentions:
My Grandfather's Knife, Hidden Stories from the Second World War, by Joseph Pearson, Harper Collins, 2022
Chopin's Piano: In Search of the Instrument that Transformed Music, by Paul Kildea, Penguin Books, 2019
Chasing Portraits : A Great-Granddaughter's Quest for Her Lost Art Legacy, by Elizabeth Rynecki, New American Library, 2016
The Violin: A Social History of the World's Most Versatile Instrument, by David Schoenbaum, W.W. Norton & Co., 2013
The Lost Cellos of Lev Aronson, by Frances Brent, Atlas & Co., 2009
“Restitution, Restoration and Repertoire: New Findings in the Wanda Landowska and Denise Restout Papers at the Library of Congress,” Panel and Performance, Library of Congress, Coolidge Auditorium, May 25, 2022, Washington, D.C.
Keynote, Cité de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris, Symposium: “The spoliation of musical instruments in Europe. 1933-1945,” April 7-9, 2022, Paris
“Provenance Research -- Challenges and Insights: A Case Study on the Violin Trade in Paris, 1930-1945,” Conference: Looted Music – Sources and Research Methods, Sciences Po, Centre d’histoire, Paris, January 31, 2020
“The Nazi-Era Theft & Restitution of Guillaume de Machaut’s the Ferrell-Vogüé,” Institute of European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, April 2019
“Contextualizing Cultural Property: Interpretation and Perception of Nazi-Era Looted or Blacklisted Works,” Symposium, Ziering-Conlon Initiative for Recovered Voices, Colburn School of Music, October 2016
“Researching the Provenance of Lavater & Lessing with Moses Mendelssohn,” in conjuction with the exhibition From Mendelssohn To Mendelssohn, The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, University of California, Berkeley, May 2016
“The Vienna Philharmonic 100 Years After the Outbreak of World War I, Symposium panel “Mastery of the Past,” with Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, Clemens Hellsberg, Oliver Rathkolb, Richard Buxbaum, and Carla Shapreau, Cal Performances, March 2014